Sunday 31 August 2008

Character for Final Project

My flash tutorial is about "How to raise hamster" ^^. I really don't know how to draw a hamster, so I traced it in Illustrator. Well, I feel my hamster doesn't look like a hamster at all. T__T. Maybe I will draw another one... At first I just wanted to make it like a cartoon character, but I think I've changed my mind a liitle bit.. --__--

Gemini's Porfolio

This is my flash porfolio ^^

Click here to see it.

Sunday 24 August 2008

Background of Flash Porfolio

This is my background for Flash Porfolio. I love Kagaya art and I love the game Final Fantasy. That's why I made this background full with stars and look a little fantasy. And this also my style too! :) :)

First I used brush in Photoshop create the logo and the full-star background with flowers and leaves, then I traced them and colorised them in Illustrator.

Flash DIM1 _ Modernism Typography

This is my last assignment I did in the last semester. My topic was Modernism and I made it in Typography style. It was my very first time using Flash. I just moved and animated the letter. I didn't understand much about the steps using Flash. It was not very good because I used so many different fonts and that was my mistake.

The sound I took from the movie "Transformer" 2007. In Flash, I maximized some letters on purpose, I wanted to highlighted them for telling there's another meaning in this conversation.

Here is the link to my flash: DIM1 _ Flash Project

Sunday 17 August 2008

Five basic elements

Have a look!! ^^ I only used Gradient Tool to create background and Brush Tool to do patterns. Some patterns I reduced the opacity. As you can see, this image I made is about the five basic elements of the universe: metal, wood, water, fire, earth based on Chinese astrology.

five basic elements


According to Chinese astrology, "metal is the symbol of autumn season and also of the tools that are used for harvesting of the produce." The colors present metal including silver, white, pastel and metallic. Moreover, in general, anything that are round, circular or spherical shapes and made of gold, copper, silver, brass or stone,... present the METAL.


In Chinese astrology, "wood represents the nature's creativity and is associated with spring and new life" and "all the plants, flowers, trees and things made of wood are representing this element". The symbol color of Wood is usually green and the symbol items of Wood are flowers, plants, trees or have tree-trunk shape.


"Water is the symbol of emotions" and "it is considered as a cleansing element" according to Chinese astrology. Blue is the symbol color of Water element. Water usually don't have an clear shape but it can be represented by fish ponds, aquariums,...


In Chinese astrology, summer is what the Fire element presents. Orange and red are the colors of it. The items symbol for Fire are candles, stoves and hearths.


Chinese astrology says that "the Earth nurtures all form of life" and "it represents solidarity and grounding." The color associated with it are yellow, tan or natural tone, mostly brown. In addition, rocks, bricks, stones are represented items of Earth element.


Chinese Astrology

The Five Elements of Feng Shui

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Last night, when I was trying to make a logo for my flash portfolio and I only use Brush Tool to create some shapes, I accidentally cause some results which look like an animal or a person. Have a look!! ^^

Logo Samurai with 4 hands >:) ( sometimes it looks like a butterfly also..)

This one is in a girl-head-shape. Well, you can see the eyes, neck, curly hair and a hat. Some of my friends feel it looks like a head of a alien. X__X

And this is a buffalo head with a dog nose and deer horns!! :D :D

Sunday 10 August 2008


I have just known this website recently and I want to share it with my friends who studying DIM2. I have to say that I love this website! ^^ It has so many great professional examples of Flash Porfolio, which is my next assignment. I think this web possibly help me and you guys come up some ideas when you are doing your porfolio in flash like how you format, choose backkground or what effect you will use... And in addition, it can help you understand more a little bit how a porfolio look in flash. I think some people already know this website, but who don't know this website, go in and take a look. It's very great!!
If you want to look at some examples of Porfolio in Flash, choose the green bar.

If you want to have some ideas for making a brief introduction for flash porfolio, choose the yellow bar.

Link and website's name: Entheos Templates

Monday 4 August 2008


Well, my work is very simple. I only use these images and combine them into one, then I change color and some effects on each picture.

main background image

First, I chose the first image to be main background and create it into another layer. The picture is a little dark, so I have to change Saturation, Levels, Contrast and Inner Shadow.

Next, I open six different tiger images, then I drag it to the background image and there will be a layer created for each of the tiger images.

One by one of tiger images, I use Eraser Tool to erase the background around the tiger image then I use 'Free Transform' to resize it. After finish, I do the same thing I have done with the main image: changing Saturation, Levels, Contrast and Inner Shadow. (Some tiger images are too bright so that I have to use 'Match Color' to change 'Color Intensity' and 'Luminance' to make it suitable with the main background image.)

Finally, I put each of the tigers at properly place in the main picture and reduce their 'Opacity'

My work

Link for the images I used: