Sunday 27 July 2008


Ok, this time I try to trace an animal (a cat). Well, I didn't intent to trace it like I traced a car last time because tracing a real animal is quietly difficult to me and the result won't look as real as the original anyway. T.T That's why I decided to make the new image in contrast between black and white (I also used other colors to highlight the nose and the eyes).

I didn't trace the whole things of cat. I only traced the eyes, nose and I chose some veins on the cat's face to trace because I think they will make the picture look interesting. Doing in this way is easier and not time-consuming like when I drew my car before.


Tracing image

Note: Actually, I was inspired when my teacher Lip Ping was showing the poster to the class. One student (Sorry, I don't remember the name) had traced the tiger in contrast like this. So I wanted to try tracing in that way, too. >:) >:)

Original Reference:

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